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Fotos de graffiti Barcelona : Zembat denboran izango zaitugu, jauna ?/2012 /També estem a

Arxius fotogràfics i textes:

Válvula Tipografía graffiti/Flicker Cobra71/ Mikel Falcón

dimecres, 4 de gener del 2012

Crackforyoureyes say:

Photographer Mikel Falcon from Barcelona! We came across Mikel’s stream after we’ve been trying to document some of Barcelona’s finest walls ourselves and we thought we had done quite a good job, but Mikel showed us that we only captured the tip of the iceberg: Mikel has two flickr accounts with a total of more than 42.000(!!) images of graffiti in and around Barcelona. This guy is a freaking legend and oh so nescesary in this world of graffiti. He’s been discribed as the Google of graffiti in Barcelona and he’s out on the streets every day to take more pictures. We get lost in his photostream on a regular basis and are always curious what is coming up there tomorrow. For us, Mikel Falcon is one of the great!
